Dreams of worms are quite common and usually leave lasting impressions on the dreamers. You may find yourself uncomfortable and disgusted when waking up after a dream of worms. In this article, you will learn more about your worm dream meaning.
General Meaning Of Worms In Dreams
Worms in dreams are usually symbols of negative energies in your waking life. These little creatures wiggling in your dreams may symbolize dishonesty, rejection, enviousness, weakness, betrayal, and/or negative feelings and emotions in real life. There are other meanings related to dreams about worms that will help you analyze your feelings, emotions, and situations in reality.
According to Edward Trujillo, worms in dreams may have different meanings depending on how you perceive worms in your waking life. If you see worms as parasites or pests, it can symbolize someone or something that is draining your energy or life force in real life. If you view worms as bait, dreams about worms can be interpreted as someone who has concealed their true nature from you causing you to be vulnerable and be lured in many cases, usually towards something negative. You will understand more about the meaning of your dreams of worms as you read further.
Eleven Common Dreams About Worms Interpretation Dictionary
1.Seeing Worms In Dreams
Simply seeing worms in dreams means that there are enemies in the people around you. Someone may wiggle their way into your life causing your plans and goals to be ruined. To see worms in dreams is connected to someone feeling envious of the things you achieved in life and this certain someone will do anything to pull you down.
2.Dreams Of Worms Coming Out Of Your Body Parts
The meaning of dreaming of worms coming out from your body depends on the body part present in your dreams. Worms coming out of your eyes are reflections of stress and anxieties. If worms come out of your nose, mouth, or ears, it means you tend to speak and hear negative thoughts making you feel depressed and worried in your real life.
3.Dreams Of Eating Worms
Eating worms in dreams is a positive dream related to worms. You will experience success and happiness in your waking life. You will unintentionally put all your enemies into place and will gain their trust and respect.
4.Killing Worms In Dreams
Killing worms in dreams is a sign of weakness and insecurities. You always view yourself negatively and always try to back out. You don’t believe in yourself that’s why you never succeed in life.
5.Dreams About Using Worms As Fishing Bait
Dreaming about worms as bait while fishing has positive and negative meaning. The negative side is you are being caught up in your boring routine in your waking life hindering your progress. You may also be lured by people or situations to do something you don’t like and are not aware of. On the positive side, all your decisions and hard work will start to bear fruits leading you to joy and success.
6.Dreams Of Worms Inside Your Skin
Worms inside your skin in dreams are not a good sign for dreamers as they indicate hidden and negative thoughts in reality. You may have done something in the past causing you to act and decide with hesitation. You feel like you will be ruined once your negative secrets, feelings, emotions, and thoughts will be brought to light.
7.Dreams Of Lots Of Worms
To dream of lots of worms represents the people crawling around you waiting for the perfect moment to degrade you. There are people in your environment who are planning something bad behind your back, so be cautious. Beware of envious and jealous people, they may just be concealing their true colors.
8.Dreams About Only One Worm
Dreaming of only one worm is a reflection of yourself in your waking life. This shows that you are insecure and think too lowly of yourself and that you are unworthy of the people and things you have in life. You see yourself as a failure and disappointment causing your low self-esteem. On the good side, a worm in your dream reflects an unexpected companion that you will meet in the near future.
9.Worms In Your Food In Dreams
Always stay on your guard when you dream of worms in your food. These dreams signify that someone will intentionally speak ill towards you to ruin your reputation, specifically at work or school. People being jealous of you means you are in the period of success in your waking life, so stay firm and alert.
10.Dreams Of Silkworms
Dreaming of silkworms is a positive omen for dreamers. It is an indication of success in the things you do in your waking life. However, if you feel insecure in life then you may fail to succeed because of your low self-esteem. Try to throw your insecurities away to be able to move forward in life.
11.Dreams Of Earthworms
Earthworms in dreams symbolize a good relationship you may encounter with a family member, friend, or partner. However, you may feel that the relationships you have are draining you out. You feel like they are sucking and feeding your energy out of you, causing you to be physically or emotionally fatigued.
The Conclusion Of Dreams About Worms
According to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, dreams about worms may point out to rotten situations, people, feelings or emotions that may paralyze your progress in your waking life. Worms in dreams may also symbolize yourself being manipulated by other people, or even a negative spiritual energy. Dreaming of worms bears both positive and negative meaning depending on how it appears to you. Analyzing your dreams also means that you need to learn to assess yourself and your situations in your waking life.
List of resources The Worm Spirit Animal