10 Interesting Questions About Dreams

Dreams are among the most absorbing subjects at home, school, or work. When we talk about dreams, topics and debates become endless and open-ended. Although dreams are shared, we still have many questions that are left unanswered, not because others don’t want to give insights but because there are no specific answers to them. Some of the most interesting questions and answers about dreams are listed below. 

Q: What is Lucid Dream?

A: Lucid dreams happen when you are aware that you are asleep and dreaming. In Lucid dreams, anything is practically possible such as controlling your dreams and changing the narrative or the scenario. This type of dream is usually vivid and typical for some dreamers. However, you should be aware of the possible drawbacks it may bring. 

Q: Can you control your dream?

A: Based on different studies, the answer is yes, you can control your dream. However, not everyone can do so, and it takes time to manage your dream. Training yourself by being aware of the difference between reality and dreaming is a great way to start learning to control your dream. Moreover, having some dream journals will allow you to remember a stimulant of a specific dream. Once you know to locate your dreams’ inspiration, it is easier for you to set landmarks for your dream signs and take control when you dream. 

Q: What do blind people dream about?

A: Like a person with sight, a blind person dreams about the particular things he/she heard, smelled, touched, and felt when he/she is awake. It can be about their experiences at school, home, work, or anywhere. It can practically be anything, just like other people. It is because dreams are collections of impressions people have when they are awake. So, it doesn’t matter if you are blind or not, as you will only dream about the things you encounter or believe. 

Q: What are dreams like for the blind?

A: If you are blind since birth, your dream is activated by smell, touch, and sounds. A blind person’s mind is not able to record visual images when they are awake. Therefore, it is more likely to dream without visuals. However, in some cases, some blind persons see graphical images in dreams rarely. Alternatively, if you become blind in your later years of life, you can dream like a person with sight. 

Q: Can you read text in a dream?

A: If you already encounter the text in your waking life, then reading it in dreams is entirely possible. Some may say that you can’t read in dreams. However, various dream reports stated that many had read books, magazines, newspapers, and such in their dreams. But in some cases, where you know that you haven’t encountered such words while you are awake, reading in dreams might not be possible. Remember that all the images in your dreams are records and reflections of the things happening when you are awake.   

Q: Why do we dream about people?

A: People appear in your dreams because of their role in your life. If you dream about someone you know, you probably see aspects of yourself through that person, or you want to adopt a particular part of that person. If the person in your dreams is a stranger, it may be just a record of the people you encounter daily. On a deeper meaning, strangers are reflections of the unknown part of yourself. You are possibly trying to unleash something in you to have a better and happier life. 

Q: Why do we dream?

A: Experts are still debating the reason why we dream. Some say that we dream because of the experiences we have when we are awake, while some say that dreams are the results of the things going on in our minds when we sleep. You may also read some theories stating that the reason for our dreams is to help us cope with traumatic experiences in the past or the present. Other records identify that it is our way of being prepared for the things that might happen in the future. Until now, the reason for our dreams is still a mystery. Therefore, it is up to you to interpret your dreams in a way that can help you positively in your waking life. 

Q: What Is a dream? Do we all dream?

A: We all know that the sequence of images, feelings, emotions, and thoughts occurring in our sleep is what we call a dream. Some dreams are vivid, while some dreams are illogical. When we sleep, our minds try to create a mini-series of all the people, things, places, events, and impressions we encounter when we are awake. That is why we tend to have a significant attachment to our dreams. 

Some people may say that they don’t dream. However, according to experts, we all dream. It is just that some people don’t remember their dreams when they wake up. One reason may be that those people who say that they don’t dream are probably preoccupied with various matters in their waking life.

Q: What does it mean when you dream about your crush hugging you? 

A: The dream of your crush hugging you doesn’t always have a literal translation. This dream usually indicates your desire to feel loved and cared for. You try to seek attention in your waking life. Therefore, your mind creates an image that you are receiving the love you think you deserve. When you have this kind of dream, try to be more open to the people around you because you may find peace, love, and happiness from your least expected person. 

Q: How long do dreams last? 

A: The length of dreams is not definite. Some dreams last in a flash, while some dreams last up to 20 minutes. Other people dream for about 45 minutes, and others dream for 2 hours or more in one night. There are no accurate records and evidence that directly point to how long dreams last. However, experts can give estimates like the above mentioned based on average REM sleep. 

There are still dream questions out there waiting for answers. As time goes by, dreams will remain to be included in the most intriguing and exciting subjects related to people and even animals. Maybe because the answers to some questions vary from one person to another, let us all continue dreaming and personally finding out the reasons for these dreams.

List of resources: Why do we dream? Youtube

Can you control your dreams? Health Line

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